Market InsightsMidlothian is a city in northwest Ellis County, Texas, United States. The city is 25 miles southwest of Dallas. It is the hub for the cement industry in North Texas as it is the home to three separate cement production facilities, as well as a steel mill. The population of Midlothian grew by 121% between 2000 and 2010, to a population of 18,037.
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Neighborhoods in Midlothian
1 Millers Lake555 C Jenkins; 556 R A Bullock 6.108 Acres643 Jb Littlepage SurveyAirport/Runway,Perimeter FencingAshemore Ph IAshemore Ph Ii-RevAutumn RunAutumn Run Ph 3Azalea HollowAzalea Hollow AddBella VistaBois D Arc Estate #2-4BradfordBrandi Ridge Add Ph 2Brandi Ridge Ph 3BridgewaterBridgewater Ph 1ABridgewater: 50Ft. LotsBryson Spgs Ph IiBuffalo Hills #2
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